JER Consulting LLC has worked around the world.

- Belize, 2015: Elections Committee Cayo, NE; Campaign & Polling Org. Development
- Mali, Niger, Mauritania, 2015: DOS ATA
- Kabul, Afghanistan, 2015: DOS; Managing an Anti-Terrorism Program (MATP)
- Manila, Philippines, 2015: DOS Anti-terrorism; Pilot course Critical Incident Mgt.
- NY, 2015: Ag & Mkts. + FDA/HHS All Hazard IMT training: Food-centric exercises
- 2015: Develop/Deliver Multi-State / Federal Area Command training: Animal Disease
- 2015: Lead Exercise Design/Development & Delivery; Type (2) IMT functional exercise;
- KY, 2014-2015: EM – All Hazard Position training: PSC, FSC, LSC, OSC, IC, PIO, SITL
- OK, 2015: Wildfire response: ESF4 / EOC
- Rabat, Morocco, 2014: DOS Diplomatic Security, Anti-Terrorism Train-the-Trainer.
- Kabul, Afghanistan, 2014: DOS Diplomatic Security, Lead Instructor, Anti-Terrorism, Crisis Mgt Exercise Design * DOS, 2013: SME- Curriculum Development Anti-Terrorism Assistance; Crisis Mgt Exercise Design.
- General Santos, Phillipines & Tblisi, Georgia (2 sessions), 2013: Trainer for DOS Bureau of Diplomatic Security Anti-Terrorism Assistance Training + Emergency Mgt Exercise Design.
- Burkina Faso & Panama, 2012: Trainer for DOS Bureau of Diplomatic Security Anti-Terrorism Assistance Training/Exercises.
- Rome, Italy, 2012: UN/FAO – Specialized ICS training/exercise applications.
- Planner/Exercise Director: National Level FMD Functional Exercise, 2012: (14) States + APHIS HQ.
- Cananeia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2011: S. American Countries (12) Training/Exercise, trans-boundary disease response and inter-country coordination.
- Guantanamo, Cuba, 2011: DOD – US Naval Hospital; Specialized ICS training & exercise applications.
- Blue Creek, Beliz, 2011: Assist Belize Poultry Assoc during “Fowl Typhoid” outbreak-response.
- Washington, DC, 2011: Coach/Evaluator on USDA MAC Group (Multi-agency response Coordination for the 29 USDA agencies) for Dept. of Homeland Security 2011 National Exercise.
- London, England, 2010: England, Scotland, Wales, N. Ireland: One of three American representatives; EU compliant Foot & Mouth Disease international exercise.
- North Carolina Dept. of Ag. & Consumer Services, 2010: Consultant on project involving state and industry participants to design state incident cmd structure; develop & deliver workshop, seminar & tabletop series.
- Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, 2010: OIE, FAO, PAHO, CaribVet, IICA, CIRAD: Avian Influenza/ICS + exercises for multi-national organization representing 32 countries/territories.
- Port-au-Prince, Haiti: World Orphans (NGO): Incident Commander and Strategic Planning for the Haiti Orphans Relief Team (HORT) in the aftermath of the massive Jan 12, 2010, earthquake.
- Accra/Kumasi/Tamale, Ghana: US Dept of State/USAID: ICS & On-Farm Biosecurity Training for poultry farmers, Customs, Police, Immigration, Ministry of Ag-Vet. Services & National Disaster Mgt. Organization, US (various): Consultant for a poultry corporation w/65% US mkt share product. Emergency poultry disease response planning, Incident Mgt. Team Training & exercise.
- Kololi, Gambia: 5 countries, ICS & Multi-agency coordination training & exercises. Ag + Security Forces, UN Disaster Planning, CDC,in Nigeria & Ghana.
- Joint Special Operations Task Force (Trans-Sahara): Consultant. Developed a Nigeria tabletop exercise for Trans-Sahara Security Symposium emphasizing joint civil-military coordination.
- Belize, C.A.: Multi-agency Coordination & ICS workshop. Exercises in International/National/ District/Village level emergency on-scene response and off-site coordination structure.
- W. African Countries Coalition: 16 countries, ICS training & exercises in emergency response country planning & development.
- UN/FAO Crisis Mgt. Center, Rome, Italy: Avian Influenza Response; ICS for Executives & organizational planning.
- Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Ministry of Ag & USAID: Avian Influenza ICS / Response Planning and tabletop exercise.
- World Trade Center Disaster: Incident Mgmt Team supporting Search & Rescue.
- Incident Commander: Oklahoma State-wide Wildfire Response 2006.